Nursing Home Care Costs
Posted on August 01, 2014 in Elder Law
Mom's Nursing Home Care Costs $100,000 a Year . . . When are the Children Responsible?
You may be facing this question in your family or working with a client or customer facing the escalating costs of long term care. If mom fails to pay for her long term care bill, a facility can file a court action to hold a child liable for that cost. When a facility sues a child, it is usually because there is a gap in coverage between private pay and the Medicaid eligibility. Frequently, the gap is caused by the parents transferring assets to children or a third party. The number of these lawsuits is increasing every year The answer is to be proactive with timely planning. Rudnitsky Hackman & Potter has helped hundreds of families through this process.
We have posted our Elder Law workshop schedule on our website. Crisis situations however need immediate attention.