April 10, 2014
The Fruits of Farming
Start with a Seed and the Soil
Farmers near and far gathered for the Farmer’s Winter Meeting hosted by the Snyder County Conservation District on Friday, February 14, 2014. This informational meeting for farmers brought topics of interest to farmers to improve their farms and businesses through education. This meeting drew a crowd of approximately 120 people.
Vendors from many businesses and agencies were able to promote their services. These vendors included AgChoice Farm Credit, Valley Ag & Turf and many more agricultural businesses that came from as far as Warrior’s Mark, Pennsylvania. Guest speakers presented different topics ranging from pesticides, environmental issues and vegetation and livestock efforts.
Attorney Karen L. Hackman was an invited speaker. Her presentation concerned the importance of estate planning in sustaining a family farm. Topics in Attorney Hackman’s presentation included farm succession planning, asset protection and nursing home protection. Farmers were educated on risks farm families face, how to avoid these risks and how to leave a legacy for their farm families.
Our firm would like to thank the farmers and Snyder County Conservation District for allowing us to be a part of this great event. Attorney Hackman’s next speaking engagements include the Women in Ag forum and the Your Woodland Legacy: Tools for Estate Planning program.