Elder Law

Nursing Home & Medicaid Planning

You've worked hard all your life. If you or a loved one goes into a long-term care facility, you want to make sure spouses and dependents are able to meet their financial needs. You want to leave a legacy for your family.

You may be concerned about or be facing the crisis of long-term care costs now, unsure if you will be able to meet these goals. RHP has been providing families the peace of mind by protecting assets from long-term care costs, even under a crisis situation, for many years. RHP provides this peace of mind by developing a relationship with clients and answering concerns such as:

  • How can I protect my home?
  • Are there programs to keep my spouse at home?
  • Why not just gift my home and other assets to my children?
  • Will my children be responsible for my nursing home costs?

Without proper legal advice, a person can make a wrong decision that can consume their life savings and end in financial disaster for both them and their children. Allow us to guide you through this difficult process and take care of the paperwork and phone calls. Let us give you the comfort of confidence that your family and assets are being protected. 

Contact us to learn more about Elder Law, our free workshops and our 40 years of experience working with families across the Central Pennsylvania region.